Award of Merit Collaborative Solutions


Vancouver Shared Care Team
Doctors of BC, Providence Health Care, Vancouver Coastal Health

One result was RACETM, a telephone line where primary care providers can access urgent specialist advice within two hours avoiding unnecessary ED visits and waiting for face to face consults. Another initiative was eCASE, a non-urgent email advice service. Both of these services improve patient access, increase primary care capacity, and avoid costs for patients and the system. Features like consolidated patient referral forms and electronic notification helped streamline hospital admissions and discharge processes.

For expanding collaboration between primary and specialty care, we present an Award of Merit to the Shared Care Team.

Project Team: Margot Wilson, Wendy Hansson, Dr. Robert Levy, Dr. Jiwei Li, Margot Wilson, Delia Cooper, Kent Loftsgard, Nico Miraftab, Luc Holland, Jillian Kratzer, Dr. Goldis Mitra, Ray Grewel

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